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Year 1 & 2

Dear Parents, I hope you and your family are all safe and well at this worrying time. During the school closure, I will be maintaining communication and setting work for the class on DB Primary.  If you do not have log in details for your child, please e-mail the office and we will send the details to you. Many thanks, Ms Tomlinson.

Welcome to Year 1/2. Ms Tomlinson and Mrs Carney are looking forward to a year of fun learning with our new class.

Please can we ask you to ensure your child has their names clearly written inside their uniform and coats. We understand how expensive they can be. Any uniform left lying around school without a name is placed in a lost property box outside the staffroom. 

PE kits should also have your child's name written inside. These are kept in class and returned at the end of each half term to be washed.

Children need to keep hydrated throughout the school day. We would ask that you send your child into school with a water bottle each day, please can we ask that it contains water only.

Children are given homework on a Monday to be returned completed on a Thursday. Reading books are changed and checked every Monday. Children are expected to read daily and receive a dojo for each time they have read and for completing their homework.

As always we thank you for your support and look forward to a new school year.

Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you,

for the glory of God.

- Romans 15:7


I have fought the good fight, 

I have finished the race,

I have kept the faith.

- 2 Timothy 4:7

Our class has performed a dance for our parents to the tune, Frozen Heart, from the film Frozen.