Statutory Information
EYFSP & KS1 Data 2022-2023
See file below.
Historic Data:
EYFSP & KS1 Data 2021 - 2022
KS2 Results 2021 - 2022
KS2 Results 2018 - 2019
Privacy Notice - Data Collection
How is progress measured?
The ‘expected progress’ measure: There is no ‘target’ for the amount of progress an individual pupil is expected to make. Any amount of progress a pupil makes contributes towards the school’s progress score.
The progress measures aim to capture the progress that pupils make from the end of Key Stage One to the end of primary school. They are a type of value added measure, which means that pupils’ results are compared to the actual achievements of other pupils nationally with similar prior attainment.
This type of progress measure rewards schools for making progress with all of their pupils, whether they are low, middle or high attainers. Any increase in attainment achieved by each pupil will be reflected in the school’s progress scores.
This measure is a school-level accountability measure. Progress is calculated for individual pupils solely in order to calculate the school’s overall progress scores. There is no need for schools to share individual pupil progress scores with their pupils or parents.
A school’s progress scores for English reading, English writing and mathematics are calculated as its pupils’ average progress scores. This means that school level progress scores will be presented as positive and negative numbers either side of zero.
- A score of 0 means pupils in this school, on average, do about as well at key stage 2 as those with similar prior attainment nationally.
- A positive score means pupils in this school on average do better at key stage 2 than those with similar prior attainment nationally.
- A negative score means pupils in this school on average do worse at key stage 2 than those with similar prior attainment nationally. For example, a school with a mathematics progress score of -4 would mean that, on average, pupils in this school achieved 4 scaled score points lower in the key stage 2 mathematics test than other pupils with similar prior attainment nationally.
Sports Impact
The latest statement for 2023-24 is attached below.
- Sports Premium Impact Statement 2022-23
- Sports Premium Impact Statement 2021-22
- Sports Premium Impact Statement 2020-21
- Sports Premium Impact Statement 2019-20
- Sports Premium Impact Statement 2018-19
Ofsted Report
RE Inspection
- SEND Policy - See SEND tab
- Complaints Policy - See SEND tab
Complaints from parents of pupils with special educational needs concerning the provision made at the school
The normal arrangements for the treatment of complaints at St Edward’s are used for complaints about provision made for special educational needs. We encourage parents to discuss their concerns with the class teacher, SENCo (Miss McCulloch) or the Head teacher (Mrs Snell) to resolve the issue before making the complaint formal to the Chair of the governing body.
This can be done by calling the school on 01928 572317 or emailing
If the issue is not resolved, please email the Head teacher
The Chair of the governing body can also be contacted via the school office.
If the complaint is not resolved after it has been considered by the governing body, then a disagreement resolution service or mediation service can be contracted. If it remains unresolved after this, the complainant can appeal to the First–tier Tribunal (Special Educational Needs and Disability) if the case refers to disability discrimination, or to the Secretary of State for all other cases.
There are some circumstances, usually for children who have an Educational, Health and Care Plan, where there is a statutory right for parents to appeal against a decision of the Local Authority. Complaints that fall within this category cannot be investigated by the school.