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Spring 1 Planning

In RE this year we are starting a new scheme called 'The Vine and The Branches'.

We will look at:

1. The presentation in the temple

2. Finding of Jesus in the temple

3. Jesus announces his mission

4. Jesus chooses disciples

5. Jesus Welcomes Children

6. Zacchaeus

7. Jesus, the light to all nations


In English, we are reading the book 'Meerkat Mail' by Emily Gravett.

Meerkat Mail by Gravett, Emily



Year 1- Place Value (within 20)

1.  Count within 20

2. Understand 10

3. Understand 11, 12 and 13

4. Understand 14, 15 and 16

5. Understand 17, 18 and 19

6. Understand 20

7. 1 more and 1 less

8. The number line to 20

9. Use a number line to 20

10. Estimate on a number line to 20

11. Compare numbers to 20

12. Order numbers to 20


Addition and Subtraction (within 20)

1. Add by counting on within 20

2. Add ones using number bonds

3. Find and make number bonds to 20

4. Doubles

5. Near doubles

6. Subtract ones using number bonds

7. Subtraction - counting back

8. Subtraction - finding the difference

9. Related facts

10. Missing number problems


Year 2- Money

1. Count money - pence


2. Count money - pounds (notes and coins)

3. Count money - pounds and pence

4. Choose notes and coins

5. Make the same amount

6. Compare amounts of money

7. Calculate with money

8. Make a pound

9. Find change

10. Two-step problems


Multiplication and Division

 1. Recognise equal groups

2. Make equal groups

3. Add equal groups

4. Introduce the multiplication symbol

5. Multiplication sentences

6. Use arrays

7. Make equal groups – grouping

8. Make equal groups – sharing

9. The 2 times-table

10. Divide by 2

11. Doubling and halving

12. Odd and even numbers

13. The 10 times-table

14. Divide by 10

15. The 5 times-table

16. Divide by 5

17. The 5 and 10 times-tables




How did we learn to fly?

1.  Who were the Wright brothers?

2. When was the first flight?

3. Why was Bessie Coleman significant?

4. Why is Amelia Earhart significant?

5. Why was the Moon landing special?

6. How did we learn to fly?



Sensitive Bodies

1. Body parts

2. The senses

3. Taste and touch

4. Sight and smell

5. Hearing

6. Senses in action