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Reception & Year 1

Welcome to Reception/Year 1. We hope you enjoy looking at all the things we have been doing :) 

Just a few reminders:-

Reading books are changed every week. Please listen to your child read every night and sign the reading diary ðŸ˜€ Children will also be given new sounds to practise at home inline with the sounds we have covered in school, please practise both recognising and writing these. 

Please do not put drinks bottles, which should only contain water, into your child's book bag as they can leak and ruin books.

Please make sure that your child has a coat and wellies in school, this will allow us to spend more time playing outdoors when the weather is poor. 

As you are aware PE days are on a Tuesday and Friday. During times of poor weather can we ask that children come in wearing a sweatshirt or a hooded jacket over their T-shirt and that they have a spare PE kit in class with their name on.

Miss Proud and Mrs Smith 

Phonics Support

To celebrate us all returning to school, we had a lovely breakfast.  The children had some time catching up with their friends and getting to know each other again.

Home Learning

To login to DB primary follow the web address below and then enter your child's username and password which are located inside the front cover of their yellow home learning book. 

We have been using Lexia in school to support children's reading. Lexia provides targeted activities that children can complete independently, it assesses them as they go and will adjust the activity to meet their needs. 

To get to our school platform use my school email address and then enter your child's username and password. 

Free E-Books to support reading, you do have to sign up however it is free to do so. You are able to choose books appropriate to your child's book band level. (For reference you can look at the back of your child's current reading book, it should be on there, if not then drop me an email)

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The Christmas Story