Equality Objectives
St Edward’s has a legal and moral obligation to ensure that all our pupils can take part as fully as possible in every aspect of school life. We identify any barriers to learning and strive to overcome these - so each child can fulfil their potential.
Every day we strive to:
- Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment, victimisation and any other conduct prohibited by the Equality Act 2010
- Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not share it
- Foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not share it.
To make this happen we will:
- Take reasonable and necessary steps to meet pupils’ needs by using a variety of approaches and planning reasonable adjustments for disabled pupils, enabling our pupils to take as full a part as possible in all the activities of the school.
- Make reasonable adjustments to ensure the school environment and its activities are as accessible and welcoming as possible for pupils, staff and visitors to the school.
- Remain committed to ensuring staff with a disability have equality of opportunity.
- Encourage positive attitudes towards pupils and staff and expect everyone to treat others with dignity and respect.
- Regularly evaluate the impact of our curriculum to ensure that it promotes awareness of the rights of individuals and develops the skills of participation and responsible action.
- Challenge prejudice and stereotyping.
- Monitor the progress and achievement of pupils who fall within the appropriate protected characteristics. This information will help us set equality objectives, remain fully inclusive and ensure pupils achieve their full potential.
- Work with outside agencies and other schools where appropriate to ensure that every opportunity is taken to promote and advance equality.
- Monitor bullying and prejudice related incidents and deal with them effectively. Regular training will be given to new and existing staff to ensure that they are aware of the process for reporting and following up any incidents of bullying.
- Expect all staff will be role-models for equal opportunities, deal with bullying and discriminatory incidents and be able to identify and challenge prejudice and stereotyping.
For more information please view the documents found under our SEND tab.