Design Technology
At St. Edward’s we value and encourage creativity in a wide range of ways. Design and Technology is a foundation subject in the National Curriculum and is found in many forms: clothes, books, home wear, sportswear – products which have been designed to help people with their needs. Design and Technology is part of every child’s immediate life experience. The subject encourages children to become creative problem-solvers, both as individuals and as part of a team. It enables them to identify needs and opportunities and to respond by developing ideas, and eventually making a range of products. Through the study of design and technology, they combine practical skills with an understanding of aesthetic, social and environmental issues, as well as of the products functions. This allows them to reflect on, and evaluate, past and present design and technology. Design and technology helps all children to become discriminating and informed consumers and potential innovators. St. Edward’s use Kapow to ensure curriculum coverage over a two-year cycle.
In Key Stage 1: Children will learn to design purposeful, functional and appealing products that are based on design criteria. They will make products by using a wide range of materials and develop the use of tools to cut, shape, join and finish. They will learn to evaluate products and suggest how it could be improved to be stronger, stiffer and more stable. They will learn to cook simple food with an emphasis on savoury dishes.
In Key Stage 2: Children will learn to design purposeful products that are aimed at particular individuals or groups. They will develop their ideas through detailed planning, evaluating product design, observational drawings and making prototypes. They will make products and learn how to use a wide variety of tools, equipment, materials and components. They will learn how to include mechanical, electrical and computer control into products. They will learn to design and cook food with an emphasis on savoury dishes.
Progression in D/T will be assessed through work completed in pupils sketch books, displays, written work and photographic evidence.
Have a look at some of the amazing DT going on at our school. #stedwardsdt
Y5/6 made their own bolognaise sauce to take home for tea - meat and meat-free options.
Y5/6 worked with UK military school to construct large slingshot devices.