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At St. Edward's Catholic Primary School we aim high. We want every part of our school community - pupils, parents and staff to experience success. Our motto is 'To love, to serve and learn'. 

We will provide a Catholic Christian education based on the life and teaching of Jesus Christ, in which the values of the Gospel underpin all aspects of school life. We will ensure that we provide  an environment in which the dignity of each person as a child of God is recognised and developed.

At St. Edward’s Catholic Primary School, we believe deeply in the importance of helping our pupils develop as a whole person – happy and ready to take the next steps into their education and lives beyond Primary School, regardless of their starting point. We celebrate our differences, yet learn to be a valued member of society; to be a respectful and upstanding member of their local community.

To achieve our aim, we teach the curriculum in a meaningful and engaging way, which means that children can sequentially build knowledge and vital skills to drive their understanding, creativity and individuality. We believe every child should be given the opportunity to create, compose, perform, visit, experience, participate, know, understand and review as part of a cultural and creative curriculum. We aim to celebrate and embrace the diverse home backgrounds of the children, recognising the wealth and variety of experiences that our learners bring with them to school.

We strive to maximise the use of our local area to enrich the curriculum – teaching positive risk-taking and creativity that helps pupils progress in all their subjects and on a personal level. The curriculum is supported through enrichment experiences, educational visits and visitors that really bring our learning to life. 

Every aspect of the curriculum is underpinned by a range of texts, vital in our promotion of a language-rich environment to support the increasing communication needs of the children in our school. Books are selected to reflect equality, alongside spiritual, moral, social and cultural needs. Thematic and subject displays across the Key Stages, are designed to promote a wider variety of vocabulary and subject-specific language.

The primary purpose of our curriculum is to guarantee a successful learning experience for every child. With this in mind, we are committed to ensuring that every child is developed to their full potential:

  • Every child will be educated to the highest possible standard, as set by the Department for Education.
  • Every child, in every lesson, will be provided with opportunities to: be engaged in, challenged in and process their learning. 
  • Every child will be provided with opportunities to increase their self-esteem, motivation and aspirations.
  • Every child will be encouraged to be enterprising and entrepreneurial in order that they may succeed in an ever-changing job market.
  • Every child will be provided with opportunities to experience the wider world as a core part of their curriculum.
  • Every child will be taught about budgeting and financial management in order that they may succeed in an increasingly unpredictable financial world.
  • Every child will learn what it means to be a valued member of society; to be a respectful and upstanding member of their local community.

Our daily Assessment for Learning, effective use of timely feedback, means that teachers and pupils always know exactly how much progress they are making and where they may need more help.  

Our curriculum is designed to:

  • Develop strong characters in order to be resilient and cope with adversity.
  • Develop creative individuals who collaborate and co-operate and can solve problems, seeing failure as an opportunity to learn.
  • Develop pupils who can think critically and care about their learning so they always do their best.
  • Develop pupils who care about their role as part of a family, community and the wider world; encouraging them to feel part of, and to contribute positively to fundamental British values.
  • Ensure all pupils have high aspirations.
  • Develop a thirst for learning for all pupils


All National Curriculum subjects are carefully planned, structured and sequenced to ensure progression across units of work and across year groups or key stages. It is structured to help pupils remember long-term content that they have been taught and pupils are encouraged to integrate this new knowledge into larger areas. It is rooted, and has grown from an acknowledgement between all subject leaders about the knowledge and skills that our children will need in order to ensure that they develop resilience; growing spiritually, academically, physically, socially and morally.

Using 'Kapow' as the basis of our curriculum, we aim to tailor our curriculum to fulfil every child's potential, taking into account and adapting our curriculum to reflect and incorporate the locality, local events and exhibitions. Through a curriculum that is both stimulating and challenging, we develop curiosity about the world around them and enable children to grow and develop; becoming independent, active learners.

Throughout all elements of the curriculum, reading is prioritised. Key vocabulary for all subjects is prominent on working walls and children are given access to a range of age-appropriate texts across all subject areas. 

There is a sharp focus on phonics for our youngest children and a programme of support is in place for any older children who may need additional help, these may be SEND, EAL or new to country.

A range of after-school activities and additional experiences such as fieldwork in the locality and beyond, educational visits and visitors to school; ensure that both enjoyment and learning are enhanced - helping to engender an appreciation of human creativity and achievement.

Our teachers are skilled, caring and passionate, with a wide subject knowledge which we regularly endeavour to update through continued professional development. A carefully designed, progressive curriculum provides opportunities for intelligent repetition and accelerated progress. Planning documents provide the structure to learning, specifying key knowledge and vocabulary which we want all children to be fluent with. Plans serve to clarify to teachers, pupils and parents what is expected to be learnt by the end of the unit and within lessons. All topics are underpinned with specified class texts.

Enrichment opportunities offer cultural aspiration, are purposeful and support learning. Class trips and external visitors are planned and booked before the start of the year. We aim to enthuse learning by encouraging first-hand experiences throughout our children’s school career. All topics will include a ‘bang’ – something special and exciting to hook children into the wonder of learning.

Key skills such as evaluation, reflection and investigation are developed across our curriculum. Lessons are planned in such a way that children can apply their knowledge in thinking/problem-solving contexts.


Children's progress is carefully monitored through appropriate and timely assessment and, where children are found to need additional support, we have a variety of interventions to help them. All the staff at St. Edward's work hard and are incredibly proud of our stimulating and progressive curriculum that meets the needs of all of our pupils.

Our curriculum is designed so that when our children leave us to move on to their secondary school, they have:

  • An understanding that they are loved and valued by God, their teachers and friends at St Edward’s.
  • A strong sense of moral purpose and respect for others.
  • Confidence in themselves and their ability to learn.
  • A firm grasp of basic skills
  • A recognition that there is life and opportunities beyond Runcorn
  • Aspiration to aim high and challenge themselves to achieve great things in the future.  
  • A sacramental consciousness (to see God in all things)
  • Children can confidently apply knowledge to their learning.
  • Children are confident using and applying high-level vocabulary.
  • Children are independent learners.
  • Children can confidently recall key knowledge from current and previous areas of learning.
  • Children are articulate and confident to talk about a wide range of topics.
  • Children demonstrate many high-level skills, such as analysis, reflection and empathy through written and spoken tasks.
  • Children enjoy learning and are excited and inspired to learn new things. Knowledge is retained in children’s long-term memories.
  • Children have excellent attitudes to learning.
  • Children show respect for all and value difference and diversity.
  • Children are open-minded to learn and gain new ideas.
  • Children are well-rounded individuals who understand the importance of Catholic values and British values.
  • Children show self-awareness when forming their own ideas and beliefs.
  • Children demonstrate appreciation and wonder of the world they live


Y2 Sleepover - Christmas Crafts 25.11.22

Our Year 2 children had a fantastic school sleepover based on the theme of the 'Polar Express'. They took part in a variety of craft activities, toasted marshmallows around the fire-pit and ran a mile in the morning to name but a few of the highlights. Their behaviour was exceptional and not a tear in sight!

Thanks to parents and carers for your positive feedback.