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Class 4 - Mrs Bradshaw

Welcome to our class page. Our teachers are Mrs Bradshaw and Mrs Hanson-Jones, and our teaching assistant is Mrs Caton. 

Follow us on Twitter to see some of the fun learning going on in our class!



This half-term, PE will be on Thursdays and Fridays, so please come to school in PE kit on these days.  Thank you.


In Year 5, there is an expectation for reading to be done for at least 10 minutes daily and recorded in reading diaries.  Diaries will be checked each morning and children will be kept in at playtime to read if this has not been done at home.


Homework will be set every Tuesday and expected to be completed by the following Tuesday.  This will consist of ten minutes on TT Rockstars, Spellings on Seesaw and related spelling games on Ed Shed.

Summer Learning for Class 4

Please have a look through our planning documents and knowledge organisers below to find out what we will be doing this term: