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Class 4 - Castle - Mr Bullock & Mrs Rigby

Welcome to our class page. Our teachers are Mr Bullock and Mrs Rigby, and our teaching assistant is Mrs Carney. 

Follow us on Twitter to see some of the fun learning going on in our class!



This half-term, PE will be on Thursdays and Fridays, so please come to school in PE kit on these days.  PE kit should be a navy t-shirt and black or navy joggers/pants. A lighter blue or white t-shirt will be acceptable.


Our expectation for reading is to read at least 3 times per week and each one recorded in reading diaries. Diaries will be checked twice a week and Dojos awarded for those who are able to read the minimum three times a week. Reading books and diaries should be brought to school every day.

Our class novel this term is 'Holes' by Louis Sachar.


Homework will be set every Friday and expected to be completed by the following Wednesday.  This will consist of a Maths activity (TT Rockstars or other), an English activity (writing/spag/reading), and a Spelling activity (Spelling Shed or other). The activities set each week are detailed below.

Homework due Wednesday 12th February

Year 6
Complete ‘Set A Test 1’ of 10 minute SAT booster books for Maths, GPS and Reading.

Year 5
Maths: Complete ‘Multiplying/Dividing Fractions’ on SeeSaw.

English: Complete ‘Sort the Suffix’ on SeeSaw.

Last Week's Homework due Friday 7th February

Shakespeare Auditions! Those who are wishing to have a main part in our Shakespeare play ‘The Merchant of Venice’, need to learn their short extract to present at the end of next week. Think about learning the lines, but also characterisation and intonation of those lines.

For the whole class: Please watch the video on YouTube which will help us to understand the story and start to think about how to recreate some of this on stage in a performance.

For those at Robinwood: Please pack your bags using the kit list provided ready for our trip on Monday!