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Autumn 2 Planning

In RE this year we are starting a new scheme called 'The Vine and The Branches'.

We will look at:

1. The Annunciation

2. Mary Visits Elizabeth

3. Mary is our Mother

4. The Birth of Jesus

5. Visit of the Shepherds



In English, we are reading the book 'Dear Earth' by Isabel Otter.

Dear Earth: Otter, Isabel, Anganuzzi, Clara: 9781848579415:  Books



Year 1- Addition and Subtraction (within 10)

1. Introduce parts and wholes

2. Part-whole model

3. Write number sentences

4. Fact families - addition facts

5. Number bonds within 10

6. Systematic number bonds within 10

7. Number bonds to 10

8. Addition - add together

9. Addition - add more

10. Addition problems

11. Find a part

12. Subtraction - find a part

13. Fact families - the eight facts

14. Subtraction - take away/cross out (How many left?)

15. Subtraction - take away (How many left?)

16. Subtraction on a number line

17. Add or subtract 1 or 2

Geometry (Shape)

1.Recognise and name 3-D shapes

2. Sort 3-D shapes

3. Recognise and name 2-D shapes

4. Sort 2-D shapes

5. Patterns with 2-D and 3-D shapes


Year 2- Addition and Subtraction (Within 100)

1.Bonds to 10

2. Fact families - addition and subtraction bonds within 20

3. Related facts

4. Bonds to 100 (tens)

5. Add and subtract 1s

6. Add by making 10

7. Add three 1-digit numbers

8. Add to the next 10

9. Add across a 10

10. Subtract across 10

11. Subtract from a 10

12. Subtract a 1-digit number from a 2-digit number (across a 10)

13. 10 more, 10 less

14. Add and subtract 10s

15. Add two 2-digit numbers (not across a 10)

16. Add two 2-digit numbers (across a 10)

17. Subtract two 2-digit numbers (not across a 10)

18. Subtract two 2-digit numbers (across a 10)

19. Mixed addition and subtraction

20. Compare number sentences

21. Missing number problems

Geometry (Shape)

1. Recognise 2-D and 3-D shapes

2. Count sides on 2-D shapes

3. Count vertices on 2-D shapes

4. Draw 2-D shapes

5. Lines of symmetry on shapes

6. Use lines of symmetry to complete shapes

7. Sort 2-D shapes

8. Count faces on 3-D shapes

9. Count edges on 3-D shapes

10. Count vertices on 3-D shapes

11. Sort 3-D shapes

12. Make patterns with 2-D and 3-D shapes




KS1 Our World – Be Inspirational

Why is our world wonderful?

1. What are some of the UK’s amazing features and landmarks?

2. Where are some of the world’s most amazing places?

3. Where are our oceans?

4. What is amazing about our local area?

5. Why are natural habitats special?

6. How can we look after natural habitats?



Everyday Materials

What are materials? | TheSchoolRun

1. Naming materials

2. Material detectives

3. Introduction to properties

4. Is it absorbent?

5. Is it waterproof?

6. Is it tough?