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Halton Primary Art Exhibition February 2025

Our Art Club worked really hard to produce masks inspired by the musical 'The Phantom of the Opera'. The exhibition runs for 2 weeks - try to pop up and take a look!

Children's Mental Health Week - 03.02.25

The children have had a brilliant week. They practised their zones of regulation, learnt about self-affirmation, made friendship bracelets and indulged in mindfulness colouring to name but a few activities. Everyone loved 'cosy day' in their PJs.

UK Military School - Y5/6 Pass-Out Parade - 06.02.25

Toy Sale - 13.12.24


Whole School Visit to Gulliver's World - 11.12.24

Some of the delighted children who met Father Christmas at Gulliver's World. Our whole school trip was a huge success and one which the children will hope to repeat. A huge thanks to all our parent helpers who gave up their time to support us. We really appreciate it!

Advent Mass - 04.12.24

Y2 Annual Sleepover - 29.11.24

World Kindness Day - 13.11.24

Click on the attached link to read all about our wonderful children in the local newspaper!

Runcorn & Widnes World Newspaper Article

Basketball Tournament

Huge congratulations to our Y5/6 basketball team who took first place in the tournament, beating off stiff competition from other local primary schools. It was great to see you using all the skills that you've learnt in PE last half-term. 

Tag Rugby

Over the last two weeks, we have been proud to attend tag rugby training for Years 3-6 at the Halton Stadium. Many of the children hadn't even touched a rugby ball before! It was certainly challenging but really enjoyable. Well done to all the children who took part. 

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  • 10/03/23

    Stars of the Week - 10.03.23​​​​​​​

    Another brilliant week in school for so many of our delightful children. A special well done though to these superstars. Class 1: Abel & Harrison Class 2: Sophia & Imogen Class 3: Angel-Mae & Alice Class 4: Ava-Mae & Lucas Class 5: Wiktor & Arthur
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  • 03/03/23

    Stars of the Week - 03.03.23

    Congratulations to this weeks 'Star's of the Week'. You continue to make us all very proud.  Class 1 - Robbie & Rory Class 2 - Denni & Nina Class 3 - Ruben Class 4 - Molly & Anthony Class 5 - Charlie & Eva
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  • 03/03/23

    Attendance Champions - Week ending 03.03.23​​​​​​​

    Well, this week saw another day of 100% attendance - congratulations everyone. Unfortunately, Class 1 is now facing an outbreak of chicken pox - just as their attendance has started to pick up again! Great work though to our 2 largest classes, who both picked up potato pieces. Class 2 only hav...
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  • 17/02/23

    Attendance Champions - Week ending 17.02.23

    Oh no! No Mr Potato Head pieces for any classes today, what's gone wrong. Let's see a huge improvement  next half term please.   Class 1 92.11% Class 2 96.55% Class 3 87.78% Class 4 96.67% Class 5 9...
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  • 17/02/23

    Y6 - Robinwood

    Y6 proudly received their RobinWood certificates today. What wonderful comments from the staff there about each of the children. We are all so proud of you! Roll on our next visit!
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  • 17/02/23

    Stars of the Week - 17.02.23

    Another bunch of  worthy winners! Keep up the hard work, resilience and excellent attitudes. Class 1: Maxi & Leo Class 2: Freddie & Emily Class 3: Jude & Blake Class 4: Kodie & Lucas Class 5: Maisie & Joseph
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  • 13/02/23

    'A Step Back in Time'

    The Halton Primary Arts Network exhibition begins today at the Shopping City. I hope that you'll get to visit it over the next few weeks. We are down the centre aisle. Well done to all the children whose work is on display. 
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  • 10/02/23

    Stars of the Week - 10.02.23

    Great work this week's superstars! Congratulations to Y6 who went to Robinwood - worthy winners too! Class 1 - Paiton & Albie Class 2 - Noah & Isabella Class 3 - Holly & Esme Class 4 - Brody & Anthony Class 5 - Jack
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  • 10/02/23

    Attendance Champions - Week Ending 10.02.23

    Today we saw Class 2 starting to edge ahead in the race to complete Mr Potato. Once again, attendance continues to improve...must be the better weather! Keep it up everyone. Class 1 90.82% Class 2 98.97% Class 3 93.89% Class 4 97.14...
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  • 03/02/23

    Attendance Champions - Week ending 03.02.23

    Brilliant work everyone. This week we had our first whole school 100% attendance in a long time. Following this, 3 out of 5 classes were able to win Mr Potato pieces today!  Class 1 93.83% Class 2 99.57% Class 3 98.89% Class 4 9...
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  • 03/02/23

    Stars of the Week - 03.02.23

    Once again we had a proud line up of worthy winners this week, who have excelled across the curriculum. Keep up the hard work! Class 1: River Class 2: Emily & Amy Class 3: Aedan & Teddy Class 4: Issac & Henry Class 5: Liyah & Eva
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  • 27/01/23

    Stars of the Week - 27.01.23

    These fabulous children have been working really hard this week. Congratulations and keep it going! Class 1 - Robbie & Harry Class 2 - Theo & Isla Class 3 - Dottie & Isobel Class 4 - Lucas & Georgia Class 5 - Amber & Jack
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