Year 5 & 6
Welcome back Year 5/6 to an exciting year ahead of us. We missed you all so much and are so glad to have everyone back! This year we will all work hard to achieve the best we can. 2020/21 will be a busy year for us all, especially Year 6. Being prepared with homework and equipment is essential in order to ensure we all do our best.
Homework will be set on a daily basis and returned the following day. It should only take around 30 minutes to complete but it is essential that it is completed and returned on time as it will often be needed for the next lesson. If homework is not completed and returned, children will be required to miss their playtime in order to catch up. At Year 5 and 6 it is the responsibility of the child to remember their homework not their parents or guardians. Children should also be reading on a daily basis and recording this in their reading journals and practicing their spellings. By Year 5 and 6, children are expected to know all of their times tables upto 12x12. This is essential to support their learning in maths. Please support and encourage your child to take responsibility for this in addition to other homework.
P.E kits should be worn on Tuesdays and Fridays for our PE lessons (a spare kit can be left in children's lockers in case of rain). Making Year 5/6 take responsibility for their organisation is important in order to help the children with their transition to secondary school.
We look forward to this year with you all,
Miss Millward and Mrs Potts
The Christmas Story
"Happy" Sign Language